Consolidated income statement (in € millions)


2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Sales 687,2 674,2 633,8 642,2 838,1 974,1 866,1 827,0
EBITDA 67,2 73,0 51,6 85,5 92,8 97,3 96,7 110,1
EBITDA-margin (%) 9,8% 10,8% 8,1% 13,3% 11,1% 10,0% 11,2% 13,3%
Adj. EBITDA 66,7 72,4 60,6 86,0 97,7 102,3 117,9 118,1
Adj. EBITDA-margin (%) 9,7% 10,7% 9,6% 13,4% 11,7% 10,5% 13,6% 14,3%
EBIT 36,7 43,9 11,2 45,9 54,3 47,2 51,9 62,9
EBIT-margin (%) 5,3% 6,5% 1,8% 7,1% 6,5% 4,8% 6% 7,6%
EBT 22,0 20,9 -11,3 30,5 39,7 16,3 18,6 34,2
EBT-margin (%) 3,2% 3,1% -1,8% 4,8% 4,7% 1,7% 2,1% 4,1%
Net profit (+) / loss (-) 13,8 15,6 -14,7 25,6 37,2 7,6 13,6 15,9
Net profit (+) / loss (-)-margin (%) 2,0% 2,3% -2,3% 4,0% 4,4% 0,8% 1,6% 1,9%
Earnings per share (in euro) 0,09 0,11 -0,11 0,19 0,27 0,06 0,07 0,10


Consolidated statement of financial position (in € millions)


2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Non-current assets 282,3 304,1 321,8 273,1 270,6 324,7 357,4 378,5
Current assets 276,3 285,9 253,6 326,2 404,5 384,9 323,5 343,7
Equity including non-controlling 257,6 255,6 233,1 246,3 258,9 319,6 315,0 355,6
Long-term provisions & pensions 27,8 24,5 27,3 25,8 22,1 18,5 22,4 18,5
Deferred tax liabilities 1,7 3,2 0,7 1,8 1,5 9,7 5,7 13,1
Long-term interest-bearing loans 129,6 124,2 140,5 137,0 13,0 130,7 105,1 101,3
Current liabilities 141,9 174,9 173,7 187,8 379,0 230,4 232,5 233,6
Balance sheet total 558,6 590,0 575,4 599,4 675,1 709,6 680,9 722,2
Working capital 135,9 92,3 94,5 74,2 84,3 115,6 81,6 104,4
Capital expenditure (capex) 54,2 62,1 35,5 23,5 43,6 48,4 56,1 38,5
Net debt 118,3 93,7 140,2 55,5 61,9 88,3 70,6 85,1
Equity / Balance sheet total (%) 46,1% 43,3% 40,5% 41,1% 38,4% 45,0% 46,3% 49,2%
Net profit (loss)/Equity (%) 5,4% 6,1% -6,3% 10,4% 14,4% 2,4% 4,3% 4,5%
Gearing (%) 45,9% 36,7% 60,1% 22,5% 23,9% 27,6% 22,4% 23,9%

Headcount (FTE)

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Total full time equivalents (FTE) 3.927 3.803 3.754 3.660 3.709 3.939 3.986 3.686


(1) As from 2018 profits and losses resulting from the conversion of monetary assets and liabilities in foreign currencies into the local currency of the entity are recognized in the consolidated income statement as financial exchange result.

Adj. EBITDA Operating profit / (loss) adjusted for (i) depreciations, amortizations and impairment of fixed assets, (ii) integration & restructuring expenses, (iii) gains & losses on disposal of consolidated entities, (iv) gains & losses on asset disposals, (v) impairment of goodwill and impairment of assets resulting from goodwill allocation
EBITDA Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, amortization and provisions for liabilities and charges = operating cash flow
EBIT Earnings before interest and taxes
EBT Profit / (loss) before taxes and share of result of joint ventures (EBT)
GEARING Net debt compared to the equity capital